The High Performance podcast E174

“There can only ever be one winner, but there can always be multiple high performers”

“We can’t all fight like a Samurai. But we can all die like one”

There are just a few of the gems that came from our podcast. I didn’t quite know what to expect when I sat down with Jake and Damian. Based on past episodes, I knew their questions would challenge me to really think through what I believed about high performance and why I believed it. I knew I would not be able to get away with anything vanilla or cliche.

I left the studios feeling like I knew myself a little better than when I entered. It’s always exciting have a few more layers peeled back. I hope the episode resonates with you too. You can listen to it on Spotify, or watch it on the YouTube link below.

Stef Reid High Performance Podcast Link


The truth about Dancing On Ice


Career Transitions And Figure Skating